If you want to know how to write a resignation letter, you are likely quitting your job for a whole host of emotionally-charged reasons. Anything from not being paid enough, to having to sit next to a gum-chewer in the new open-concept office space can be to blame. Writing a resignation letter can feel like […]
Career Blog
How to Quit a Job with Class
If you’re ready to learn how to quit a job with class, great! It’s so important, in the long-term, to leave your manager and coworkers with a respectful goodbye. It’s also the right thing to do. Before we get to the specific steps, I’d like to share a little story on WHY I’m so glad […]
How to Stop Crying at Work
I know this sounds like a depressing post topic. But it’s not meant to be. I’m very pregnant at the moment, so knowing how to stop crying at work has become a necessity: not because I hate my job (I love it), and not even because of the tiny person sleeping on my bladder (though […]
Why You Should Never “Fake It Til You Make It”
I gave the advice “Fake it til you make it,” before. I did it happily, borderline smugly even. Usually, I follow it up with a classic career story of mine, which I will now tell to you (Lucky you; Please imagine me smoking a pipe in a mahogany office). Many moons ago, on the first […]
How to Care Less About Work (and Why)
“How to Care Less About Work (and Why)” is an eye-opening guest post from Corrie Shanahan, the author of Do it, Mean it, Be it. The Keys to Achieve Success, Happiness and Everything You Deserve at Work and in Life (Career Press). I was speaking recently at a large financial institution that operates in Latin […]
3 Keys to Escalating Performance in the Workplace and in Everyday Life
We’re thrilled to feature this guest post from leadership expert and author Mark Sanborn! It is adapted from his new book “The Potential Principle.” Every day we “perform,” at work and at home, in ways big and small. Because we can’t (and shouldn’t) give every performance the same attention, it is easy to be lulled into […]