In this installment of “What’s Your Power Suit?” Nzinga Graham-Smith, founder and creative director of the fashion brand Queen of the Crop shares her secrets on what to wear when you’re tall, and want to dress for (and love) the body you have. PS: Tell us about yourself and your work. NGS: I’m a mother […]
What to Wear on Long Flights, According to a Globetrotting Travel Writer
In this installment of “What’s Your Power Suit?” travel writer, Lavanya Sunkara, shares what to wear on long flights, especially if you have something important to say. PS: Tell us about yourself and your work. LS: My love of animals and adventure has taken me all around the globe, from islands of the Galapagos, to […]
How to Wear Chuck Taylors to Work, and Beyond
I own two pairs of Chuck Taylors: all-black leather, and classic red. They are on my feet so often that I just wore a hole through the black pair. I also own two pairs of heels: One for being a bridesmaid, and one for job interviews. I have not needed either in over 5 years. […]