Anxiety locks us into absolutes. Like dragonflies, we are adaptable.
Never be Afraid to Manifest, Jimmy Fallon Does It
I know the word “manifest” is so overused, your brain is shutting down. But wait. Jimmy Fallon does it. And not in a fru fru West Coast way. Here’s how I found out: NPR replayed a Fresh Air interview with Jimmy Fallon today. For the record, Jimmy never used the word “mainfest,” but he told […]
10 Quotes About Fashion That Don’t Suck
Quotes about fashion are meant to be inspiring. I’m a fan of anything that encourages people to show their individuality. I am not a fan the snobbishness that is so often the undercurrent of what’s being said in fashion publications. This is nothing new. Mainstream fashion media feeds off this attitude, probably because it works. […]
I Ate a Whole Box of Mac n Cheese, Now What?
I ate a whole box of Mac n Cheese the other night. We all do it. They key, my friends, is to acknowledge and move on. It’s what resilience is all about. If you’re like me, you made the mac n cheese out of sheer exhaustion, with the intent of eating a normal, single human amount. […]
How to Dress for Joy
When my daughters were two and four years old, they went through a fairy phase. I don’t mean they liked fairy toys and drew pictures of fairies—I mean my daughters believed they were actual fairies. And who was I to convince them otherwise? During the fairy phase, the only thing my daughters ever wanted to […]
The Single Conversation Starter ANYONE Can Pull Off
As a conversation starter, I’ve been resorting to “shallow” clothing compliments a lot lately. Meaning, I have been making a good deal of positive comments on what people around me are wearing, such as: Cool shoes. I like that jacket. Where did you get your laptop bag? Partly, I’m complimenting clothes as a conversation starter […]